Stealth: Mason (eBook)
Sold to the mafia. I’m nothing more than a piece of property to my brother. Forced into an arranged marriage, I enlist the help of Eagle Tactical.
I moved in with Jaxson after the attack. It’s hard to keep my hands off him, but he’s my boss. He’s given me a job at Eagle Tactical as his subordinate.
I don’t take orders well, especially from a grumpy boss. He’s about just as grumpy as his toddler when she skips her afternoon nap.
I vowed to protect Ariella. That’s how much she means to me, but she’s gotten under my skin with her know everything attitude and sassy hip sway that has my body in overdrive.
I swore I’d never do a one-night stand. Is that what she thinks we shared? Is that why she hates me?
I don’t know how much longer I can wake up under the same roof, go to work with her, and not throw her down on the bed.
We have a mission that takes priority, but how can I keep my mind on the job when she’s always in the room, and I want to bend her over the desk?
STEALTH is book two in Eagle Tactical series and ends with a HFN and a guaranteed series HEA.
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