Ruthless Vow (eBook)
Men say I’m bred with Russian, that I should be bratva.
I have a reputation as being the most vicious and ruthless Italian in the world. They’re not wrong.
I murdered my boss and stole his throne.
He made me the beast that I am, and I made him pay the price.
But there’s a girl that I want beside me while I rule the city.
The only problem, she’s Russian and the little sister of my enemy. She’s innocent, naive, and has no idea what I intend to do to her family.
We’re at war with the bratva…
They’ve threatened our women, children, and attempted to burn our homes to the ground. They’ve come after our organization, stolen our shipments, and forced our hand.
The dons and our most trusted men must come together to destroy the bratva.
This secret baby, steamy slow-burn romantic suspense is the fifth book in the Mafia Marriages series. While it is a standalone, it features the mafia men of the previous books and will be enjoyed even more if you’ve read the entire series.
Steam Rating: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️
- Vœu involontaire
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