Wicked Boss (eBook)
There’s a darkness surrounding him, and I should stay as far from Luka Ivanov as possible.
Three years ago, I gave birth to a baby girl after one drunken escapade with a mysterious Russian bartender, Luka.
At least I thought he was the bartender.
When I went back to tell him that I was pregnant, no one knew who he was.
I’ve moved on… what other choice did I have?
The wedding is quickly approaching, and I’m engaged to Mark, a man I don’t love. Don’t get me wrong. He’s sweet and kind, but a little too syrupy for my taste. I prefer my men darker, devious, and with a bit of bite. Mark is as vanilla as they come.
But I’ve settled because it’s what’s best for my daughter, Bay. She needs stability, and I want to give her the absolute best life that I can.
When my coworker stumbles onto a photo of my hot mistake, Madisyn confesses that she knows the Russian who knocked me up. I beg her to introduce us, but she has to swear not to tell him my secret before I do.
Wicked Boss is a slow-burn romance with a happily ever after. It is the second book in the Bratva Brothers series and can be read as a standalone. No cliffhanger. HEA.
Steam Rating: 🌶️🌶️🌶️
- Patron brutal
- Patron obsessionnel
- Patron dangereux
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