Truce: Declan (eBook)
She just needs a place to stay.
A better man wouldn’t take advantage. But I will…
When my friend Jaxson talks me into hosting my high school ex-girlfriend for a few days, I’m not exactly thrilled.
Katie might have had a good reason for breaking up with me—and I do consider college a good reason—but I can’t deny that the memory still stings.
Yes, she’s in town for her aunt’s funeral, and yes, I know the Blue Sky Resort is renovating, but it still stings.
The problem is, I forget all about it when she comes waltzing through the front door of our office.
That’s my Katie. Gorgeous, sweet, nervous Katie.
Now, a published romance author in need of a shirtless cover model…
She wants me for the job, but I want her in return.
How convenient that there’s only one bed in my house…
This is an extended, spicier version of Truce: Declan, which was originally published in Seeds of Love: A Romance Charity Anthology to Benefit Ukraine.
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