Possessive Boss (eBook)
Lucy Quinn
I’ve made a few bad decisions in my life. At the top of the list, attempting to rob the Russian Bratva. I wasn’t aware who I was robbing or what I was getting myself involved in until it was too late.
The guards with guns at the entrance should have been an indicator to walk away.
But now I can’t leave.
I’m in deep with the bratva, forced to work for them, under Nikita Krylova.
Nikita Krylova
The little spitfire thought she could steal from me, blindly rob us, and not have to be punished.
Lucky for me, the Pakhan, Mikhail Barinov, has let me choose how to handle our little five foot three, dark-haired, green-eyed problem.
She’s feisty, insolent, and brazen.
I’m just the man to break her.
And make her mine.
Possessive Boss is the third book in the Bratva Brothers series. It can be read as a standalone and has no cheating, no cliffhanger, and a happily ever after ending.
Steam Rating: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️
- Patron brutal
- Patron obsessionnel
- Patron dangereux
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