Mountain Grump (eBook)
When Cali tosses her drink at the hot billionaire she doesn’t expect him to throw her over his shoulder.
As a vlogger, Cali Sinclair is sent to Blue Sky Resort, a ski lodge, to review the winter destination. She usually travels to warm, exotic locations, not the frigid mountains in the dead of winter.
Billionaire and single dad, Logan Henderson, owns the ski resort in Breckenridge, Montana, and meets the cute but not quite so charming Cali at the gift shop. She’s an unhappy customer, and he’s miffed to take one more customer complaint.
Logan’s daughter, Julianna, recognizes Cali and is star-struck. The only thing worse than a persistent fifteen-year-old wanting to intern for Cali is the sassy vlogger constantly tripping all over the place. Logan doesn’t want bad publicity or a lawsuit.
When Cali gets distracted by a shirtless Logan, she trips and falls into his arms, but this time he doesn’t let her go.
Mountain Grump is a slow-burn romance with no cliffhanger, no cheating, and a happily ever after. It can be read as a standalone but is book two in the Bossy Single Dad series.
Steam Rating: 🌶️🌶️🌶️
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