Bachelor Grump (eBook)
We’ve all had that nightmare date, the one that makes you want to throw yourself off the platform in front of an oncoming train.
Mine is my hot next-door neighbor who just moved into the building.
He’s a bachelor. And while he’s gorgeous and easy on the eyes, his mouth needs to be zipped shut.
It’s my fault. He asked me out, and I said yes, not knowing that he was an arrogant jerk.
I’d love to say that I’d never see him again, it gets worse…
He’s also my new boss, and I’m his assistant. He overhears me mocking his 'junk' to my colleague, and I swear I didn't intend to show my face at the office ever again.
Because Mr. Grump is the ultimate bosshole.
I swear he planned it, showing up at the bar, knocking me off my game. And then the bet…there's no going back.
Imagine my surprise when I find out he has a son.
Mr. Grump is a single father. Boy, do I feel bad for the kid.
This steamy romantic comedy is an enemies to lovers romance. It is a standalone, with no cheating, no cliffhanger, and a happily ever after ending.
Steam Rating: 🌶️🌶️🌶️
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