Slow Burn Publishing Alpha Bundle
Alpha Bundle (eBook)

Alpha Bundle (eBook)

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Three sizzling standalone romance novels featuring the hottest and spiciest content, available for one low price.
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Hot no nonsense alphas who take control of situations with women" - Goodreads Review
Do as I command...That's what he tells me. I'm terrible at listening and even worse at obeying. There is a price to pay for breaking the rules. Do all girls struggle with their alpha, or is it just me?
PUBLISHERS NOTE: These books feature adult themes. Explicit sexual and taboo content including but not limited to: discipline, anal play. Please refrain from purchasing if such content is not to your liking.

Jessie's Secret

Unwed Jessie Harding has a thirst for adventure and desires a salary that will pay her rightfully for the work she is capable of doing. The only problem: she’s a woman and the only jobs available are nannies and governesses, neither of which she wants anything to do with.

Dressing as a man is easy. She cuts her long blonde locks and works as a coal-whipper, earning enough to live on her own. It’s not the life she dreams of, but it’s respectable work.

When Henry Clarke visits with an announcement that the queen’s guard is hiring and the pay is at least double what she’s currently making, she jumps at the opportunity to enlist and help serve her country and protect Queen Victoria. Pretending to be a man is easy, it’s the fact that Henry catches sight of her female self while bathing in the river, which has her caught up in a tizzy, worried he’ll discover her secret. He only suspects she has a twin brother. How long can she keep up the charade? Will Jessie be able to hide her womanly virtue and remain in service to the queen without causing havoc?

Jessie’s Secret is a spicy historical romance.

Previously published as Guarded Discipline. This adventure is filled with spankings for naughty behavior, anal play, and graphic sexual content.

Piper's Escape

Imprisoned to keep her safe…

In a world of five men to one woman, chaos is just the beginning.

At a young age, Piper and her sister Ruby are placed into the prison system designed to keep the female population safe. With the knowledge Piper obtains about the program that women are forced into at age eighteen, Piper retaliates against the guards and finds herself locked in maximum security.

It’s been seven years since she’s seen her younger sister.

Her determination to rescue Ruby from the program is what keeps her going. In the decade that Piper’s been locked up, the world has changed significantly. Women are forced to have a master, obey their every command, or expect severe discipline.

Can Piper trust the handsome guard, Charlie, or will he betray her at the first opportunity possible? Will the rebels that help free her from the prison expect something in return? Forced to face the world head-on, Piper must learn to submit in order to survive.

This dark rough romance is not for the faint of heart.

Previously published as The Victorian Shift.

Violet's Penance

From a line of felons…

Violet Kingsley’s parents, convicted of conspiring against the crown, were sent to the penal colony, leaving Violet with her abusive uncle. Escaping his home was easy, living on the streets was a matter of survival. At nineteen, she wants nothing more than to see her parents again. With no other way to discover their whereabouts, she forces her way inside a restaurant and breaks in to the kitchen, delivering herself one last hot meal before she too is sent to the penal colony, in hopes of finding them again.

Officer James Foster patrols the streets of London and is called into a different district to cover a shift. Catching Violet red-handed with stolen soup right out of the ladle, he has no choice but to arrest her, except his heart won’t let him send this poor woman to the magistrate for further proceedings. He’s seen her before, bought her a meal two years ago, and feels nothing but guilt for her still living the same life she had back then. He should have done more for her.

He knows what will become of Violet as a convict on a ship set out for the penal colony – she would be one of only a few women against hundreds of men who want to take her virtue. Violet would not survive the transport, let alone the life of a convict in New South Wales.

Needing a caretaker for his fourteen-month-old daughter, James offers her a chance to pay off her debt, with the same sentence term, seven years.

Will she behave as a lady should, or find his expectations and her new life to be too difficult?

This historical romance contains spicy scenes.

DISCLAIMER: This book contains elements of domestic discipline and power exchange. If any of these offend you, please do not purchase.

Previously published as Lords of Discipline.

Chapter 1

Jessie wiped the beads of sweat from her forehead. She missed the long ball gowns and fancy hairpins she had worn in her blonde curls. Cutting off her locks in order to look more like a man, with her short haircut hidden up under her hat. She could have worked as a nanny or governess, but in truth she hated children. Not that she minded spending an hour visiting upon one with an old friend, but she was not having children of her own. At least not if she could help it.

Needing to get away from her petulant mother, Jessie had searched through the papers for a job, but the skills required were that of a man if she wanted to make an income that would support her. Pretending to be a boy was easy enough. She purchased a pair of trousers and a top hat for her interview as a coal-whipper. The job paid her far more than she would have made as a lady, aside from the fact the gentleman would never have hired her to shift coal from ships.

The young woman wasn’t dainty but she also did not have the height of a man. She was average height with soft features and a small nose. Her blue eyes sparkled under the sun and she half expected to be caught, but each and every day no one seemed the wiser. Perhaps they did not care. She fulfilled her duties without a word, always pleasant and kind to the other gentlemen who she was assigned to work with.

Shuffling coal was not an easy task nor was it clean. Her fingernails were coated in soot, her blonde hair, even under the hat had found its way to become a dark rich black like coffee until she had time to bathe. The rich smell of coal no longer tickled her nose. The first two weeks working on the docks she had been sneezing non-stop, certain she had a wretched cold that would not disappear.

“You there!” a burly voice shouted as he stepped upon the dock, approaching Jessie swiftly. He was handsome in his military ensemble, though Jessie attempted not so much as a glance even though he had addressed her. She did not wish to blush and give away the fact she was a woman. Worse, what would he think if he could not see through her charade of wearing such boyish attire? 

His heavy black boots clanked on the wooden dock on his swift approach.

“Excuse me?” He was quite clearly a guard for the queen, wearing a fiery red coat and black trousers. What was he doing here? Jessie gasped. Could Queen Victoria be just beyond the ship she was shuffling coal from? No. It did not seem likely. A queen would have a port of her own and more than one guard heading for the dock, along with multiple men accompanying her.

“We need men like you, strong, willing to fight for our queen. The pay is far more than a coal-whipper salary.” His green eyes glinted under the sun as he held Jessie’s stare. He took a step closer, his voice low so as not to allow anyone else to overhear what he intended to say next. “A gentleman of your stature, I could most easily see you at the palace as part of the Queen’s Guard.”

Jessie had no qualms about her profession, but if she had the chance to make more money, doing a job far less dirty, why wouldn’t she give it a try? An opportunity to fight for her country was most certainly honorable, and the chance to guard the queen was an opportunity worth engaging in. “How do I join?” She did not allow herself a moment to consider the ramifications of being caught. As a coal-whipper she would most certainly be fired but a woman pretending to be a man as a guardsman, Jessie did not quite know the penalty for such atrocious behavior.

“Come to the royal palace tonight at seven. Ask for Henry Clarke. There will be a brief training session before the test.”

The handsome fellow turned on his heels, his rich chocolate hair lighter under the sun’s rays as he turned and stomped unceremoniously back in the direction he had come.

Jessie watched him vanish before turning her attention back toward the coal that needed moving. She would not be finished much before six. Getting all the way to the palace while needing a proper bath and new attire would be painstakingly difficult. Could she take the chance that she might not be hired and leave early, risking her current profession? Her rent was due come Monday, and if she did not worry so much about this month, next would be twice as hard to come by.

Perhaps if she hurried with her work, lifted faster and moved coal quicker she would be done by the time five o’clock rolled around, which would make leaving quite a bit easier. With no work left for the day, the ship cleared of all its coal, then there would be no reason for her to stay around.

She was not the only coal-whipper to be unloading the ship, stacking the thick black bricks in wheel barrels to be carted off by her colleagues. Jessie never winced from the heat or complained about her arms aching or her back’s soreness. She knew better than to risk anyone discovering she was in fact a lady. Certainly she could not be the only woman hiding as a man for the pay of such a job? Though she did not dare spill her secret to anyone.

The day wore on and Jessie could not push the handsome stranger from her thoughts. Was he part of the Queen’s Guard or just a recruiter for the queen? She did not know if she might ever lay eyes on the gentleman again. From the brief encounter he seemed quite nice, thoughtful to suggest she join without a moment’s hesitation. Of course he was not the wiser in knowing she was in fact a woman. Would he have made the offer had he known? It was doubtful.

Her fingers were blackened, and as she finished the last final bricks of coal, she wiped her dirty hands on her gray-blue coveralls and made a mad dash for home. She did not live near the bathhouse, nor could she afford the extra few pence to bathe, let alone the time to get there on such a tight schedule. Instead she headed for the stream just a few clicks from her home, bringing a ragged towel and a clean change of clothes.

Jessie hoped no one would discover her in the water. The houses were spread far enough apart but the hour was nearing supper, and families often came to the stream for fresh water or on their travels home from work would pass by. She could not afford herself a moment to consider being caught or embarrassed. Stripped down of her filthy coveralls, she left her clean dry clothes by the bank and jumped into the water, splashing as she felt the cold chill caress her skin. Dutifully she worked at scrubbing the soot and grime away. She dunked her head beneath the surface, the cold water hardening her nipples as she shivered in the cool autumn air. The water was not yet frigid but the air hitting her cold wet skin made her flesh tingle with goosebumps.

Sinking under the slight waves from her splashing, Jessie exhaled a long breath allowing the bubbles to spill from her lips. She wanted to swim and enjoy the water, which would ease her aching muscles and allow her to relax before she rushed to the royal palace. Not having thought that far ahead, she did not even consider how she would arrive on time. Traveling by train meant knowing the schedule and she had not so much as looked at the hour. Though it was growing nearer to when she was due to arrive.

Splashing as she walked along the sandy bed of the sea, the sound of horse’s hooves galloping toward her forced her eyes to widen in fear.

“Shit,” Jessie cursed under her breath as she edged toward the bank. She was running out of time but did not think she could get dressed quickly enough so as to not be seen naked. Who the blazes headed on horseback near the stream?

“Was there ever a Clara?” Henry asked, his fingers moving to the buttons on her red coat. “A woman cannot be allowed to wear a guard’s uniform.” Slowly his fingers undid the gold buttons as he opened her coat to reveal the baggy tunic underneath.

“I am it,” she whispered, staring up at him. “You laid eyes on a young woman by the river. I had to give her a name since you gave me the chance to believe she was someone else entirely.”

His hand came down, smacking her bottom, forcing Jessie to jump with wide eyes. She reached behind her to cover her backside. “What was that for?” she asked feeling both aroused and slightly frightened. She could not remember the last time she’d been spanked. It had most certainly not been as an adult.

“Under my care you will accept discipline. I cannot reprimand you as I would a male,” Henry said. “It would not be proper or right. I understand your reasons, but that does not mean I agree with them. Jessie, you risked both of our lives. Queen Victoria would not take kindly to what you’ve done and would have both of us punished.”

She swallowed the lump forming in her throat. “What do you suggest, Henry? I need this job as a guard. You already have me protected, training me and keeping me away from battle.” Though the army had not been at war, it did not mean they were docile.

He scoffed at her words. “Please don’t tell me that you are asking to continue to train and remain a guard to protect the queen.”

What else was she supposed to do? She had quit her job as a coal-whipper. Jessie had barely enough money saved to afford her rent next month if she didn’t work. At least the pay as a guard was decent. “You can’t tell anyone, Henry. I swear no one will know. Had you not been interested in Clara, then you never would have suspected that we were one in the same.”

“There is no Clara,” he responded, growing more aggravated by the second. He grabbed a nearby chair, poising himself to sit as he reached for Jessie, putting her over his knee.

“What the blazes are you doing?” She shouted at him to let her go. “I am not a child!” Squirming in his arms was no use. Henry was strong and he was not about to let her go. Did he really think that he could teach her through discipline?

Find out what happens next in Jessie's Secret!

The Alpha Bundle features:

  • Historical Romance
  • Discipline
  • Suspense
  • Adventure
  • Spicy Scenes
  • And so much more...

Steam Rating: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️

" ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The story is full of twists and turns, with some surprises." - Goodreads Reviewer

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️  sexy alpha males who like to punish when their women push them to the edge." - Goodreads Reviewer

"⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️  Beware hot alpha males are lovingly dominating..." - Goodreads Reviewer

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